Parliament is no different from your everyday office. Once you vote a minister in the parliament to office, he or she is respected to act as a duly sworn-in representative of the public. They are expected to behave, dress, and speak accordingly.

The Simple Rules

Being a duly elected representative of the people, MPs should be a cut above the rest. If they are in Parliament, therefore, they are expected to:

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Not Vote in Secret

A certain transparency is required when you serve in Parliament. Although MPs do have the option to cast votes on certain issues in secret—such as the Brexit vote, in the UK Parliament’s example—a vote made with full knowledge of the people is preferred.

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Polite to the Speaker

No one can resist the small talk, not even in Parliament. However, politicians are only required to acknowledge speaking to the Speaker of the House. It is only polite—after all, they are in the House to do their jobs.

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Make Firm Decisions

Such as in cases of the Brexit in the UK, MPs should be ready to make the big decisions. Some of these decisions, even if unpopular, should be made, if it serves the greater interest of the people in the long run.

Call Anyone Names

Have you seen representatives in other countries result to fisticuffs over certain issues? That’s what happens when the insults get on a personal level. In Parliament, no MP is ever given the green light to do that.

Be Casually Dressed

It might be a lighter requirement, but MPs are never allowed to be in their casual when in the Parliament. Dressing appropriately can be seen as a sign of respect to the House. Therefore, only business formal suits are allowed.

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The Big Issues

When your MP is deciding on the big issues, isn’t it a good thing if you see him or her dressed and acting as required for it? MPs are expected to be models of law and obedience to it. Therefore, they can only act in accordance with the law.